Dejure Chambers


A diverse, full-service law firm focusing primarily on matters involving...

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Why Choose Us ?

"One thorn of experience is worth whole wilderness of warnings" - We just dont create experience - we undergo it.


We are never careless with truth - be in small matters or large - hence we never mess up the importance of consequences.


Law of land can only be understood from past - but it is to live forward, we thrive and ensure the safety of future.


We ensure that the one who trust us are peaceful, we be courteous and obey the law - but if push come to shown endangering the one who trust us we take him to the cemetery under the shield of law itself.


We ensure to provide legal service at affordable economic cost - irrespective of position of an individual.

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Law is complicate matter. It can cause you a big problem
if you ignore it. Let us help you!